L'Geneus, a journal founded in 2012, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of linguistics and literature. Embracing the field of linguistics, literature, and Learning broadly defined, the editors warmly welcome articles and research reports addressing linguistics, literature, education and Learning and published by the Institute of Computer Science (IOCS). L'Geneus features research novelties and significance for science advancement in one of the fields of the published manuscripts. Manuscripts published including (Look at the scope).

  • Editor in Chief : Dionisius Meritus, Dr. Prof
  • ISSN : 2302-9609 (Print), 2746-4024 (Online)
  • DOI: 10.35335/geneus 
  • Frekuensi : 4 Bulanan (April, August, December)

Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 3 (2024): December: linguistics, literature, education and Learning
					View Vol. 13 No. 3 (2024): December: linguistics, literature, education and Learning

L'Geneus, a journal founded in 2012, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of linguistics and literature. Embracing the field of linguistics, literature, and Learning broadly defined, the editors warmly welcome articles and research reports addressing linguistics, literature, education and Learning and published by the Institute of Computer Science (IOCS). L'Geneus features research novelties and significance for science advancement in one of the fields of the published manuscripts. 

Published: 2024-12-15


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