About IOCScience
Institute of Computer Science (IOCScience) is an institution that was founded in 2007 with members consisting of computer science lecturers, management science lecturers, economics lecturers, health science lecturers, mathematics and science lecturers, literature and education lecturers, social and political lecturers, Low Science lecturers, and others. Institute Of Computer Science (IOCScience) was originally formed by computer science lecturers, over time the Institute of Computer Science (IOCScience) developed into a research and publication institute for various fields of science. The Institute of Computer Science (IOCScience) was formed on the basis of the willingness of the lecturers to form forums, share time, collaborate on research, participate in research for the scientific development of the lecturers. Institute Of Computer Science (IOCScience) currently has 5000 members. As the development progresses from time to time, the Members agree to accept cooperation with other institutions that we can support in terms of publications, joint research, national and international conferences. The Institute of Computer Science (IOCScience) has now managed 25 journals as publication media for lecturers, researchers and students, as well as one book publisher. To join this organization, please send your CV to: info@iocscience.org with a note that you are willing to spend your time, thoughts, energy to succeed the mission of community service, community service, namely as a Lecturer Tridarma Task.
Institute of Computer Science (IOCScience)
addres: Perumahan Romeby Lestari Blok C, No C14 Deliserdang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia