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Justinus Tambunan
Stephanie Aryanti
Dana Hatuaon Op. Sunggu


Is a collection of abnormal cell tumors formed by cells that grow continuously, indefinitely, not coordinated with the surrounding tissue and are not useful to the body. Tumors are divided into two: the malignant tumor (malignant) and benign tumors (benign). The lung is an organ that is conical with the apex (peak) above and appear slightly higher than clavicula in the base of the neck. Lung tumors is a collection of abnormal cells that grow and develop in the chest cavity and usually in the airways or alveoli. Interest CT Scan Thorax on suspicion of lung tumors is to determine the location of the tumor, explains the examination technique and how to obtain a high-resolution picture. Reviewed on thoracic CT scan found Tn.TS soft tissue mass in the left lung ½ segment, with surrounding infiltrates, suggestive of malignant (T3NOMx) and the results were found Tn.HT stinging right lung tumors in intralesional contrast, demarcated, irregular suggestive of malignant (T3NOM1). Thorax CT scan on the suspicion of lung tumors is done with pieces of axial slice and slice thickness 5 mm, which in this case was able to show the anatomy and homosexuality.

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How to Cite
Tambunan, J., Aryanti, S., & Sunggu, D. H. O. (2019). A CT-Scan Thorax Lung Tumor on suspicion of Columbia Asia Hospital Medan: A CT-Scan Thorax Lung Tumor on suspicion of Columbia Asia Hospital Medan. Journal of Midwifery and Nursing, 2(1), 63-70. Retrieved from
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