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Djamiandar Simamora
Hotben Lubis
Edi Prananta Surbakti


Inspection Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan) Whole Abdomen on suspicion Hepatomegali General Hospital Haji Adam Malik Medan. The purpose of writing this paper is to determine the location, type, and size of hepatomegaly and describes the inspection technique in getting a picture with good resolution in a CT scan of the abdomen with suspicion whole hepatomegaly. Type examination is conducted whole-abdominal CT scan which examines techniques using multislice CT scan plane with helical technique that produces 16 slice / slice each one scan. By using this type of thermal blue movie film and using the system to record the movie dryview object shadow of the film and used pieces of axial image capture. Patients should also make preparations beforehand fasting gastrointestinal function to see the patient free of air and feces. Patients also must perform urea and creatinine lab tests to see kidney function, and patients also do skintest to see the patient's immune system to a substance of contrast media that will be provided. Then the preparation of tools and materials that include CT scan plane is ready to use, tool for injection of contrast agents such as syringes, alcohol cotton, plaster, nierbekken, torniquet, and oxygen. The materials needed are koontras iodine media to be injected intravenously. The resulting picture is a picture CT Scan of Tn.saragih abdominal cavity, where the picture liver enlarged shapes and sizes, regular edges, partial liver parenkhim density appears to be increasing and it can be concluded from an examination of the abdominal CT scan whole Tn, saragih that he suffered hepatomegaali / enlargement of the liver. Therefore the whole abdominal CT scan can provide more accurate diagnostic information to the physician to diagnose pathology kususnya contained in the cavity of the liver in cases of hepatomegaly and can give a decision for examination and further treatment.

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How to Cite
Simamora, D., Lubis, H., & Surbakti, E. P. (2019). Inspection Computed Tomography Scan (Ct Scan) Whole Abdomen on suspicion Hepatomegali General Hospital Haji Adam Malik: Inspection Computed Tomography Scan (Ct Scan) Whole Abdomen on suspicion Hepatomegali General Hospital Haji Adam Malik. Journal of Midwifery and Nursing, 2(1), 32-39. Retrieved from
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