Peer Review Process
All manuscripts sent to Agripreneur: Jurnal Pertanian Agribisnis must meet the criteria in focus, scope and writing rules (Template and Author Guidelines). In addition, the submitted article or manuscript must describe the novelty and scientific value needed by the reader and of course it has never been published before in other publishers.
Manuscripts sent by authors will go through a pre-review process by the Editor Team who are directly selected by the editorial board, the Editor Team will check the suitability of the manuscript with the scope of the journal, conformity with the journal template and check for similarities using Turnitin. In this process, the Editor Team will communicate with the author so that the manuscript is eligible to be sent to the reviewer or even returned/declined if a discrepancy is found with the scope, author guidelines and or journal template to be corrected immediately by the author.
If it is in accordance with the scope and scope, author guidelines and or templates, the manuscript will be sent to 2 or more reviewers using the Double Blind Peer Review method. In the review process, the reviewer will pay attention to the novelty of the content of the manuscript, starting from the title of the article, abstract, conformity with the contents of the introduction, methods, content and discussion of the article, conclusions (there is no role given to the field studied, suggestions for future research) and references.
After the reviewer has finished reviewing, they will give some suggestions regarding the article, namely Reject, Revisons required, Resubmit for Review and Accept. and will be returned to the editor to continue the process.
The Editor Team will return to the author the manuscript requested by the reviewer to be corrected and notify the author if the manuscript is rejected by the reviewer. Manuscripts that have been accepted by reviewers will be continued in the copyediting and production sections.
The publication of accepted articles including the placement of volumes and issues as well as the page numbers of the articles is a decision by the editorial board taking into account the order in which they were received and the geographical distribution of the authors as well as the thematic issues.