Jurnal Mantik Accredited Rank 4 (Peringkat 4)

Dear Jurnal Mantik contributors,

We proudly announce that Jurnal Mantik is Accredited “Rank 4”(Peringkat 4) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree No 36/E/KPT/2019, December 13th 2019, starting from Volume 3 No 3, 2019.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to contribute to Jurnal Mantik as a helpful research open-source by sending highly qualified paper.

Thank you

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35335/mantik.Vol5.2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35335/mantik.Vol5.2021

Published: 2021-06-06

Implementation Parallel Computation for Automatic Clustering

Bayu Dwiyan Satria, Ali Ridho Barakbah, Amang Sudarsono


Effect of Work Stress and Work Conflicton Performance of Employees

Willy Cahyadi, Nursaimatussaddiya Nursaimatussaddiya, Lukieto Cahyadi


Comparison of Moora, Waspas and SAW Methods in Decision Support Systems

Samuel Van Basten Halomoan Manurung, Indra M Sarkis Simamora, Herlina Allagan

Mysql Database Syncronization Using Restful Webservice Api PT. Minori

Felix Wuryo Handono, Sumarna, Hafis Nurdin, Fernando B Siahaan, Hary Sugiarto, Indra Chaidir

Data Processing Android Applications EFU English Course

Septiana Handayani, Ismail Qory Hidayat, Wasis Pambudi, Mareanus Lase


Analysis of Service Quality, Price and Customer Experience on Customer Satisfaction at PT Maritim Era Sukses

Callista Fausta, Purnama Yanti Purba, Deniss Phelandy, Willyanto Wijaya, Alwin

Grouping Diabetes Diagnosis Based on Age Range with K-means Algorithm

Allwin M.Simarmata, Maria Albina Pratiwi Sianipar, Sukbinder Singh , Intan Is Mutiara Gulo


Implementation of Clustering Methods to Know Electricity Energy Sold Average Customer Type

Reinhard Oktaveri Gultom, Estomih Wau, Jodi Alexsander Laia, Ivan Leonardo Silaban, Yennimar Yennimar


Stochastic Analysis of Financial Feasibility In Toll Road Investment

Bambang Siswanto, Ari Sandhyavitri, Manyuk Fauzi


The Role of Corporate Marketing Communications Management in Implementing Advertising Ethics and Standards

Bambang Adi Wijaya, M. Noveriady, Noormarizqa Puspaningratri, Syahrial Shaddiq

Company's Strategy To Maintain The Quality Of Human Resources In New Normal In Retail And Multinational Companies

Anik Ida Iryani, Rizka Taurina Rachmawati, Vika Lusi Apriani, Sapto Supriyanto


The Influence of Service Quality, Price Promotion and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty

Vincent Leonardo, Vanessa Klise, Windy Novita Sari, Devinna Chairman, Muhammad Agung Anggoro


Maintainability Prediction in Eclipse Mylyn Software Program Code Using Mamdani's Fuzzy Inference System Approach

Mochammad Abdul Azis, Imam Nawawi, Ahmad Fauzi, Ginabila, Ahmad Hafidzul Kahfi, Abdul Hamid

Effect of Leadership Style, Supervision and Work Discipline on Employee Performance of PT. Mahesa Bahari International

Roiforuasi Simarmata, Ina Namora Putri Siregar, Siti Tasya Aisah Kasli, Fifi Hardiana, Ahmad Husein, Farandy Angesti Chandra

Effect of Attitude on Mobile Banking Acceptance Using Extended UTAUT Model

Angelia Angelia, Erwin Setiawan Panjaitan, Roni Yunis


Implementation Of Secos Algorithm In Forecasting Gold Prices To Improve Business Intelligence Using Mse Accuracy Value Measurement

Meri Anisa Br Purba, Krisdorin Lase, Alisha Indah Sari Sembiring, Lamhot M.E. Panjaitan, Adya Zizwan Putra


Human Resources Planning (HR) Business Face Care Products PT. Indo Bright Skincare

Nuraini Setiawati Suwarni, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah, Semerdanta Pusaka, Dadan Ramdhani


Design Whatsapp Gateway Admissions for New Students at Labuhanbatu University During The Pandemic

Mutiara Br Samosir, Rahel Marianti Ritonga, Febriani Naibaho, Ibnu Rasyid Munthe

Application for Determining Shipping Routes at Cargo Companies with Genetic Algorithms

Ayu Manik Dirgayusari, I Made Dwi Putra Asana, I Gede Iwan Sudipa, Rini Komalasari, Sugihya Artha Dwipayani


Whatsapp Chatbot Implementation for New Students University of Labuhanbatu

Hanggi Kurniawan, Mulya Al Fazar, Nur Rahma Fauziah, Yoan Yoan, Ibnu Rasyid Munthe

Advertising Media Strategy as Product Ordering

Mahyuni Hidayat, Bornea Retno Mahalayati, Hanil Sadikin, Syahrial Shaddiq, H M. Zainul

Imported Goods Delivery Service Administration Procedures at PT Tritunggal Agung Sejahtera Jakarta

Yulia Ayu Cahyani Waworuntu, Hieronimus Erwin Indrawan, Yudha Febri al Paksi, Ananto Krisna Wardhana

Creative Advertising Management Application Strategy on Television in Indonesia

Margareta Habibah, Haderiansyah, Andri Setiawan, Syahrial Shaddiq, H. M. Zainul

Prototype Of Soil Analyzer Devices Based On Long Range (LoRa) Communication System

Febrin Aulia Batubara Batubara, Bakti Viyata Sundawa, Muhammad Rusdi


Microcontroller Based Money Storing Tools with Web Monitoring and Social Media

Prayoga Aldi Kurniawan, Ritzkal Ritzkal, Bayu Adhi Prakosa

Design Arduino-Based Smart Laboratory

Erwinsyah Simanungkalit, Mardhiatul Husna, Jenny Sari Tarigan


Expert System Diagnosis of Skin Disease in Cat with Forward Chaining Method

Ais Achmad Sutrisna, Sidik , Indra Riana Rahajeng , Muhamad Ryansyah